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Suffolk County Office

Suffolk County Office

The Wolf Law Group, P.C. recently joined the “New Beginnings” team at their Suffolk County facility in Medford, Long Island. New Beginnings Community Center is a not-for-profit organization that provides space specifically designated for individuals or groups committed to providing treatment to individuals with traumatic brain injury (“TBI”) and other physical and cognitive disabilities. The Wolf Law Group, P.C. decided to join the New Beginnings team because of the close relationship of The Wolf Law Group, P.C.’s founder, Jerry Wolf, with the Barone family patriarch, Al Barone – father of the New Beginnings Founder and President, Allyson Scerri. Al Barone sufferred a motorcycle accident in January of 2007, and its aftermath of trauma, terror and tribulations for Al and his family, inspired his daughter Allyson to help other victims and their family members, suffering from TBIs. Allyson’s herculean effort to create something good and noble from her family tragedy has inspired all of us at The Wolf Law Group, P.C.. Therefore it is our goal as lawyers and counselors, to assist the members of the New Beginnings community to navigate the legal hurdles and seize the opportunities provided by the law in order to benefit TBI victims and their families.

To learn more about New Beginnnings, please visit

Learn more about New Beginnings